Mobility Scooter – Super Wagon Express
Our Story & More Information
H. J. Nick is an active baby boomer and is becoming more aware of aging and the body’s limits as we get older. While being a fit able-bodied man that works out everyday and keeps himself healthy, he began to see that the aging Boomer population in their minds think young, and still act as if they were 20 or 30 years young. Also aware of the need for a mobility scooter for the handicapped especially our wounded warriors he began to passionately invest his time and money developing a product that every one would love to have with out the hand capped stigma.
The problem is that no one can cheat the aging process. Even though individuals may still be able to do many of the same things they were able to do when they were 20 or 30, at age 50 and 60 (or more) they simply cannot do it as long. And of course persons with real handicaps really want to be as independent and active as they once were. This is really hard to accomplish using most mobility scooters on the market today. And the answer is not a golf cart.
Being a person that travels all over the world to car shows, furniture shows, art shows, flea markets, concerts, sporting events and a lot of other indoor or outdoor large venue events that require walking and carrying heavy things, and being the problem solver and artist-designer he is and has been his entire life, H. J. Nick began to look for a way to solve this problem – to extend the time and pleasure he and his family get from these extended events. As you may know, some of these shows are spread over many acres and are held indoors as well as outdoors. Carrying supplies such as water and other essentials was also limited. He noticed for many others this was a huge hardship, as well as a big reason to not participate.
After looking for solutions around the world to solve this problem he found the options were limited and not ideal for this purpose. This had been his mode of operation his entire life – that necessity becomes the reason for invention – as it has been for many inventors throughout history. H. J. Nick began by assembling his design team to research mobility vehicles that would be ADA compliant, so they could be used indoors in stores such as COSTCO, HOME DEPOT, or simply GROCERY STORES as well as these other market venues. It seemed it was either Handicap Vehicles, Wheelchairs or Segways, that could not really carry much, or golf carts that would not be allowed in these places and were not ADA compliant. Then there were all the half baked ideas of adding trailers to mobility scooters or the modifications to existing designs, most like putting lipstick on a pig as he says. After several years of investing in, testing, and prototyping he finally patented the Man Cave Express / Super Wagon and its multi-purpose carrying trailer.
Custom Mobility Scooter Design
H. J. Nick’s design team was given these basic instructions: This vehicle must be fun to use, look great and Not Look Like A Handicap Vehicle, Segway or Wheelchair. It must go and fit where these vehicles can go, and have over 10 hours or more of running capacity fully loaded. It must also have a easy way to haul it to long distance venues as well as being able to carry a full load of over 800 pounds, and a person of over 200 pounds without needing to be recharged. It had to be able to pull behind the Mobility Super Wagon for additional hauling capacity. Also it needed to be able to go over rough terrain, loose gravel, sand, and wet grass etc. The resulting design not only met, but Exceeded All Expectations.
As Shown: We began with the “Man Cave Express” designed to go to swap meets, flea markets, auto shows, and other large venue sales events – enabling us to get to the best merchandise first, and carry it back to our main hauler with ease. It has been a big success and is very profitable due to the fact that we are able to get the best finds at the best prices, simply because we can get there first before the best finds were picked through. It is called the Man Cave Express because we were primarily picking items for man cave furnishing such as porcelain signs, old gas pumps, and other collectable petroliana for restorations.
The more we exposed the Man Cave Express Wagon in public, the more we noticed there was a tremendous amount of interest for many different purposes. Many inquiries were from handicapped or semi-handicapped individuals or concerned family members that simply wanted one built for mobility and to get rid of a wheelchair or senior scooter, mostly to get away from handicapped public labeling and the stigma of being handicapped or thought of as a disabled person, instead of just another person.

Then, as we used this vehicle in the very public places, we found a huge interest for many uses not even thought of by us. We found we could not move more than 20-30 feet in a crowd without being stopped and asked where they might get one. Further, as we spoke to these individuals, we found many did not want to be associated with vehicles built specifically for the handicapped. While these vehicles serve a very special need, most individuals or their caregivers and family members have expressed personal apprehension and depression when using these vehicles. Many have said they will never use a handicap vehicle due to the stigma and just would not participate in these kind of events. Many also expressed it was refreshing to see a cool fun vehicle like the “Man Cave Express” that could be customized and used by anyone, handicapped or not, without the attached stigma.
These folks spurred H. J. Nick on to believe he needed to continue our work on this program and extend it so that everyone that wanted one could have one, for any purpose they desired. Most expressed they thought this would be a fun way to get around no matter if handicapped or not – either way it boosted self-esteem and their ability to get around in a more enjoyable way. It also made going to the store, gardening supply store, pet market or larger venue events something to look froward to without depending upon caregivers, family, or friends. Most expressed it brought back memories of the feeling of when they got their new toy wagon when they were kids. All expressed they had no feelings of dread, and even looked forward to using this personal vehicle as much as they could find reason to. Many have also stated they made many trips – ones they normally would never have made – just for an excuse to ride and drive this vehicle. In the following list we have listed some of the requests and uses we have been asked to build our Super Wagons for. This also caused us to rename this wagon the “Super Wagon Express” – to be personalized as a one-of-a-kind wagon for your business or favored name.
The very first show we did in a public venue was in January 2015 at the Barrett-Jackson Auto Auction and Collector Car Show in Scottsdale, Arizona. We found many individuals that, whether they were renting or using their own handicapped vehicles, were having trouble moving beyond the stigma. Things like tipping over, small wheels not being able to go outside over the grass and rock areas of the large car auction grounds and show, and no way to carry much more than what fits in a small basket. Some with severe leg disabilities expressed how stable this was and they could rely upon it to use upper body strength to maneuver outside of the vehicle as well as to get back in the seat. The customers that were test driving our Super Express Wagon mobility scooter all had smiles upon their faces and said it was fun to use. Many ordered on the spot and we are now in full production at our Scottsdale plant.
Super Wagons On Order – For Purposes Listed: This is a short list of wagons we have been requested to build since we began production January 1st 2015. This wagon seems to be taking on a life of its own as far as versatility of uses. We decided to just list them as the orders were requested.
Super Wagons Available For Any Use And Color
- Mall kiosk platform with tow wagon clothing sales
- Ice cream express sales platform
- Taxi Express with trailer and multiple seating
- Filmmakers express wagons and trailers
- Warehouse express wagons
- Large indoor property management Express Wagon
- Mall Cop Express Security Wagon
- Mall Express Wagons for hauling customers purchases from mall to car
- Art Show Express Wagon for setup from trailer to show tent
- Truck to warehouse express wagons
- Car to campsite express wagon and trailer
- Barrett Jackson car auction express wagon
- Collage campus to dorm express wagon
- Around the campus for pizza delivery express wagon
- Mom on Board child carrier express wagon with custom covered trailer
- Riding pet carrier wagon with c cab and bed shade
- Family at Disney express wagon with trailer and custom Disney style paint and fabric
- High Rise Office Mail Express Carrier
- In The City Around Town Express Carrier
- His and her wheelchair replacements personalized
- Man Cave express to haul in the under belly of their motor home
- Indoor and outdoor flea market owner Texas general purpose
As Always Your Satisfaction Is Guaranteed Or Your Money Back
Backed By Over 100 Years Of American Fine Art Manufacturing
Electric Cart Super Wagon Express Is Built For Heavy Duty Commercial Use
The Wagon bed is made of 1″ inch solid timber oak and is carpeted so you may carry fragile items with ease. The heavy duty steel main frame allows you to carry large or heavy loads while riding in your wagon. The super wagon can also pull a utility trailer for extra load capacity. Heavy duty hand built mortise and tenon 1/2″ solid oak side rails are sturdy and will keep any load on board. Tail gate is removable or can be ordered as a fold down for extended length for over hanging loads or can be used as a buddy seat. Tires: Tubeless inflatable 15″ X 6″ wide pneumatic heavy duty high roller knobby all terrain non marking tires are also heavy duty steel and are rated to carry up to 2000 pound loads.
Many Designs Are Available for Your Custom Electric Wagon
Many other custom designs are available such as shed top c cab with solar battery recharging zipped in to the canvas into the roof, shaded or covered bed designs, as well as specialized operation features can be built in. The customizable designs are unlimited. Turns on a short radius (virtually on a dime). Overall length is 48″ length X 24″ wide (42″ height to top of seat).
Safe and durable even in rainy, wet conditions. Heavy duty, wide, all-terrain, non-marking tires are part of the basic model. All types of tires and wheels are available as upgrades. An on-board charger allows you to plug in anywhere there is a 110v outlet. The Super Wagon Express gets the job done and will never leave you stranded. The heavy duty enclosed electric motor runs fully loaded on one fully charged battery up to 8 hours. Simply flip the switch and you’re ready to go another 8 hours. The Super Express Wagon runs a total of 16 hours on one charge and has variable speeds up to 15 miles per hour. Material handling reduces fatigue and strain on your body, while handling loads can be fast and fun as well as profitable.
Drivable Cart Is Very Easy To Steer And Stable
Tongue is designed to be steerable and very nimble under a full load and is also pullable with a variable speed power assist. Carries yourself and over 1000 pounds. Dual long life batteries give you all the power you will ever need for Go Green performance with no emissions. The built-in solar recharging panel allows the batteries to automatically recharge in sunlight. This also means you may walk this wagon fully loaded using the controls to power assist forward or reverse. The wagon tongue and front end steering system have been designed to carry heavy loads as well as be easy to turn fully loaded while riding.
We also have designed an express wagon trailer carrier that pulls this wagon behind your vehicle on a simple Reese hitch. When you get to your destination, you simply slide out the hidden ramp of the wagon trailer to enable you to unload your express wagon under its power assist control. Then convert to a matching wagon you can pull behind your express wagon for additional load capacity.
Order Your Custom Electric Wagon – Call 1-800-292-0008