Vintage Gilbarco Model 98: Original 1940’s Gulf Gas Pump – VGP3941
This In An Original Gas Pump From The 1940’s That Was Purchased As Part Of A Collection And Sold In As Is Condition
This Pump Is NOT An Museum Quality Restoration

Vintage Gilbarco Model 98: Original 1940's Gulf Gas Pump
This is an original vintage Gilbarco Model 98 gas pump with Gulf Oil signage This item is sold in as-is condition (as pictured), was purchased as part of a collection, and is NOT an museum quality restoration. This item is perfect for your man cave or game room, and is a great starter item if a fully restored original is outside of your budget.
However, if you are looking for a work of genuine fine art, we also offer fully working, museum quality restored vintage visible gas pumps that can be viewed by clicking this link. To inquire about purchasing this vintage Gilbarco Model 98 gas pump call us at 1-800-292-0008, email us at
Note: Due to our earned reputation, we have the good fortune to be in high demand by collectors. We always have a waiting list for most items. We suggest if you are looking for a specific collectable, restored to this level, please ask to be placed on our first come, first served list. (Refundable deposit required.) Call 1-800-292-0008
About The Collectibles Bone Yard
In our Bone Yard, you will fine original unrestored vintage gas pumps, vending machines, modern retro items, and anything else that doesn't meet our regular world class investment quality standards. We generally don't deal in parts, but on the occasion that we have them for sale you will find those in the Bone Yard as well. We often buy entire collections, and sometimes in these collections are items that have collectible value, but don't quite merit a museum quality restoration. For example, items that are post 1970 will often be found in the Bone Yard. If you are looking for hard to find parts, or a fully restored pump is not quite in your budget, then have a look in our vintage Americana and petroliana bone yard.
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