Restored Saddle Mate Rocket Ride: Museum Quality Vintage Collectibles – SMR516
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Restored Saddle Mate Rocket Ride: Museum Quality Vintage Collectibles
Colds War Era Saddle Mate Rocket Ride - Completely Restored To Better Than Original. Restored To Museum Quality Historically Correct. - Original Display Logos. All Sign-age Is Correct Original Era.
Game Time Saddle Mates Began In Litchfeild Mich. In 1920s and was one of the first companies to respond to the need for safe playground equipment. These Items were used in playgrounds as well as back yards and store fronts as children's pass times. Each design reflected the popular culture of its day.
The idea of the playground as a method for imbuing children with a sense of fair play and good manners originated in Germany where playgrounds were erected in connection to schools, the first purpose built public-access playground was opened in a park in Manchester, England in 1859.
Over time, organized playing areas have been adopted by other countries of the world and have become commonplace. The first playground in the USA was built in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park in 1887. Recognizing the need for playgrounds, former President Theodore Roosevelt stated in 1907
City streets are unsatisfactory playgrounds for children because of the danger, because most good games are against the law, because they are too hot in summer, and because in crowded sections of the city they are apt to be schools of crime.
Neither do small back yards nor ornamental grass plots meet the needs of any but the very small children. Older children who would play vigorous games must have places especially set aside for them; and, since play is a fundamental need, playgrounds should be provided for every child as much as schools. This means that they must be distributed over the cities in such a way as to be within walking distance of every boy and girl, as most children can not afford to pay carfare.
In post war London the landscape architect and children's rights campaigner Lady Marjory Allen of Hurtwood introduced and popularized the concept of the junk playground, where the equipment was constructed from the recycled junk and rubble left over from the Blitz. The name was changed to Adventure Playground in 1953 with the creation of the National Playing Fields Association which organized and built parks across the country.
Restored Saddle Mate Rocket Ride Info
When we use the terms "Museum Quality" and "Historically Correct," we are indicating our world-class process. We absolutely preserve all original signs, badges, glass with anomalies, natural aged patinas, and everything that makes a vintage item collectable. Maintaining non-structural damage, all age, wear, and tear is proudly displayed to showcase each item's unique charm.
Due to our earned reputation, we have the good fortune to be in high demand by collectors. Because most of our items have a waiting list, if you're looking for a specific collectible, please ask to be put on our first come, first served list (refundable deposit required).
We are the oldest and largest seller of fine art, historically correct, museum quality antiques and genuine, investment quality classic Americana.
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