Fry Vintage Visible Gas Pump: With Milk Glass Standard Oil Torch Flame – SOFG529
Fry Model 117 “Mae West” Fully Restored To Working Museum Quality Condition
This Antique Pump Features Original Blue Tinted Glass 10 Gallon Tank And Period Correct Signage

Fry Vintage Visible Gas Pump: Fully Restored To Working Museum Quality
This is an original Fry vintage visible gas pump from the early 1900's that has been fully restored by our experts at The 10 gallon model from Guaranteed Liquid Measure Company that was used throughout the early 1920s, was often referred to as the Fry visible gas pump. The most popular models of this visible pump were the Fry Model 117, and Fry Model 17. These vintage visible gas pumps, with their hourglass shape, were nicknamed after the curvaceous actress of that era "Mae West".
This Fry vintage visible gas pump features an original milk glass, Standard Oil torch flame, is in fully working condition, features original period signage, and meets historically correct standards. The visible gas pumps were popular because they allowed customers to view the color and quality of the gasoline through the transparent glass fuel tank in an era when fuel production was widely unregulated. This pump features an original, blue tinted glass 10 gallon visible tank. It also has original model, patent, and manufacturer information plates.
Museum Quality Vintage Visible Gas Pump Restorations By
Our Fry vintage visible gas pump is completely restored to museum collector quality condition. These Fry Model 117, "Mae West" pumps are rare, popular, and highly sought after by collectors, and this one is the genuine article. Don't settle for low quality reproductions. All parts on this pump are historically correct, original, and are in full working order. This includes all original, period correct signage, and porcelain belly plate. These are investment quality collectibles for the serious petroliana aficionado, have future appreciable value, and are fully insurable.
All of our antique restorations and done under the supervision of award winning artist H.J Nick. Each is certified for quality, originality, and authenticity by H.J. Nick and signed as a work of fine art. We also have one of the largest selection of authentic vintage porcelain signs available anywhere. This allows us the flexibility to restore a pump for you to any brand or station and historically correct color scheme of your choice. Call us for pricing on a Fry vintage visible gas pump today at 1-800-292-0008, or inquire about having us restore you vintage gas pump to world class museum standards.
Note: Due to our earned reputation, we have the good fortune to be in high demand by collectors. We always have a waiting list for most items. We suggest if you are looking for a specific collectable, restored to this level, please ask to be placed on our first come, first served list. (Refundable deposit required.) Call 1-800-292-0008
Fry Vintage Visible Gas Pump Specifications:
- Make/Model: Fry Visible Gas Pump "Mae West" Model 117
- Manufacture: Guarantee Liquid Measure Co.
- Era: 1910-1930
- Color: Standard Oil Company (Red, White, and Blue)
- Height: 119"
- Base Diameter: 24"
- Storage Capacity: 10 Gallons
- Condition: Antique/Restored museum quality and historical correct
- Notable Features:
Original milk glass Standard Oil torch flame light.
Fry Model 117"Mae West" hand pump model
Original blue tinted glass tank.
Fry Visible Gas Pump Original Sales Literature
The GUARANTEE VISIBLE was designed and placed on the market to fill a demand created by the motor car owner for a pump which would give him a gallon of gasoline for every gallon paid for.
The GUARANTEE VISIBLE is the aristocrat of the pump world. Its symmetrical lines and handsome appearance make it a decoration to any service station, while the visible measure calls out to the car owner, "Here is the place to secure full measure. Buy from me, and you are assured of a gallon for every gallon paid for.
With its combination of vacuum feed and transparent container, the GUARANTEE VISIBLE has, at one stroke, removed every objection which applied to the old style piston pump. No matter how it is operated, it cannot give less NOR MORE that a gallon for a gallon. The delivering valve is placed at a sufficient height to guarantee an ample fall to the tank of any automobile or truck, thus insuring perfect draining of the hose, and in the nozzle of the hose is a copper screen of exceedingly fine mesh which strains all solid matter and water from the gasoline and eliminates carburetor troubles. And this is all done without loss of time. The GUARANTEE VISIBLE will serve as many customers in a given length of time as any other pump now on the market, and at the same time serve them in a manner which will insure their return.
For the past three years we have recognized the growing need for a fast, visible, 10-gallon capacity, hand operated pump at a low price. Equipment No. 117 Double Action is the answer. This pump has been painstakenly developed, each feature being included only after it had been thoroughly proved by continuous operation under field conditions. Careful investigation has shown that the pump that would perfectly meet the need must have these qualities - Absolute accuracy, visibility, speed, simplicity, low installation cost, low-up-keep and low selling price.
All of these requirements have been completely met in Equipment No. 117 - and more, it is a beautiful pump. The pumping unit is conveniently located in the base. All pipe work completely concealed within the symmetrical pedestal. It has the famous Fry adjustable over-flow principle of measurement, which makes possible absolute and continuous accuracy. It is visible. The pumping unit is double action; and operates with a minimum of effort; literally speaking, it is the fastest visible hand pump made.
Its mechanical construction is simple and durable. The double action pumping unit is all metal; no leathers or washers. It will work for years without even an adjustment. Every part is immediately accessible. The installation is simple and inexpensive. There are no check or foot valves that affect the measurement.It is labeled by the Underwriters Laboratories.
We tell you with confidence that this is a perfect pump. It is handsome in appearance, a wonderful business-getter and you can install it and forget it so far as upkeep is concerned.
Vintage Gas Pump Display Carts: Islands With Wheels For Heavy Collectibles
At we make vintage gas pump display carts so that you can conveniently move your vintage visible gas pumps and other heavy collectibles from place to place. These custom islands with wheels can be come built to suit you needs. They can be built to hold one gas pump, or you whole collection, and can also be built for lubesters and vending machines. These vintage gas pump display carts are an original design by award winning artist H.J. Nick, and are hand built in heavy gage steel. The even come complete with electrical wiring so that your pumps can plug right into the island. The are also UL listed.
Finally, a convenient way to display and transport your heavy collectibles. This example includes 25 Foot industrial duty cord with plug wired and 4 duplex electrical outlets. Vintage gas pump display carts can be custom designed to any size, and like all of our products are built custom made to order. They can also be hand finished in any color to match you collectibles or the color scheme of your man cave. The vintage gas pump display carts pictured feature a 1930's-50's era Texaco color theme. They are custom finished to appear as worn and aged concrete colored Texaco red and grease stained in a battleship gray.
Fry Vintage Visible Gas Pump
When we use the terms "Museum Quality" and "Historically Correct," we are indicating our world-class process. We absolutely preserve all original signs, badges, glass with anomalies, natural aged patinas, and everything that makes a vintage item collectable. Maintaining non-structural damage, all age, wear, and tear is proudly displayed to showcase each item's unique charm.
Due to our earned reputation, we have the good fortune to be in high demand by collectors. Because most of our items have a waiting list, if you're looking for a specific collectible, please ask to be put on our first come, first served list (refundable deposit required).
We are the oldest and largest seller of fine art, historically correct, museum quality antiques and genuine, investment quality classic Americana.
World Class Collector Investments
- Restored To Full Working Order
- Historically Correct
- Genuine From Top To Bottom
- Delivered To Your Home
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